Friday, August 19, 2011

different view from above!!!!

I finished the client interview today..NO SWEAT!;) But I gained new friends which I think I can be super friends with..hihihihi! I also finished the medicals which is pretty easy.I just have to submit few credentials tom and sign the job offer.hahaha! I was so excited because it was an Australian account and most of the shift is during the day. And the good plus was it more on email.I will not be suffering from laryngitis anymore and headaches as my account will not be much toxic.So I felt great, everything was transpiring as it is.I will do my best this time so once I will be tenured I hope to be transferred to the recruitment.;) More baby steps towards one goal: SAVE MORE AND LAW SCHOOL HERE I COME!

Enough about the career, I am very pleased to announce that from such a long time he texted me on his own just to share how good his day was because he won a BB phone right after he found the iphone3 accidentally.I received it while I was having the exam.That was a big ego boost and I was super happy for him.I love it! As I always say before things will redeem at their own time and rate. I am enjoying the changes in my life and also the changes he has in his life. Honestly, I am super excited about him going home whether he wants to see me or not.Deep down inside me I am super happy for the both of us.

So I will continue and keep an update for I know that this actually help me a lot to reveal things that I want to happen in my life.

Keep living and keep on dreaming!

Keep smiling and keep loving!:)

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